COSC 111: Intro to Computer Science I
Fall 2024
Welcome to COSC 111! This is the first class in the computer science sequence and doesn’t require any prior programming knowledge. As such, we’ll be focusing on foundational knowledge as well as developing skills that will help you succeed in future courses.
This site is the one-stop resource for sections H02 and 004.
See the syllabus for more details on course policies and logistics and the calendar for office hours, due dates, and class times.
Course Materials
Week 1: Intro
- Lec 1
- HW 1
- Survey & Office Hours
- Due Aug 29 11:59 pm ET
- Lec 2
- Lec 3
- Lab 1
Week 2: Computational Thinking
- Lec 4
- HW 2
- Algorithms
- Due Sep 3 11:59 pm ET
- Lec 5
- Lec 6
- Lab 2
Week 3: Intro to Python
- Lec 7
- HW 3
- Operators and Variables
- Due Sep 10 11:59 pm ET
- Lec 8
- Lab 3
Week 4: More Python
- Lec 9
- HW 4
- Variables and (I/O)
- Due Sep 17 11:59 pm ET
- Lec 10
- Lec 11
- Lab 4
Week 5: Conditionals
- Lec 12
- HW 5
- Conditionals
- Due Sep 25 11:59 pm ET
- Lec 13
- Lec 14
- Review
Week 6: Conditionals Continued
- Lec 15
- Lab 5
- Lec 16
- Lec 17
- HW 6
- While Loops
- Due Oct 4 11:59 pm ET
Week 7: While Loops
- Lec 18
- Lab 6
- Lec 19
- Lec 20
Week 8: Functions
- Lec 21
- HW 7
- Functions
- Due Oct 14 11:59 pm ET
- Lec 22
- Lab 7
Week 9: Midterm
- Lec 23
- Lec 24
- Midterm
- Oct 17 (004) or Oct 18 (H02) in class
Week 10: Functions and Modules
- Lec 25
- Lab 8
- Lec 26
- Lec 27
- Proj 1
- Word Guessing Game
- Part 1 Due Nov 1 11:59 pm ET
Week 11: Lists
- Lec 28
- Lab 9
- Lec 29
- Lec 30
- Proj 1
- Word Guessing Game
- Part 1 Due Nov 1 11:59 pm ET
Week 12: 2D Lists
- Lec 31
- Lec 32
- Nested Loops
- [zoom], [slides]
- Lec 33
- Lab 10
- Proj 1
- Word Guessing Game
- Due Nov 11 11:59 pm ET
Week 13: Collections
- Lec 34
- Lec 35
- Dictionaries
- [zoom], [slides]
- Lec 36
- Lab 11
- Proj 1
- Word Guessing Game
- Due Nov 11 11:59 pm ET
Week 14: Software Engineering
- Lec 37
- Lec 38
- Lec 39
- Proj 2
- Image Filters
- Due Dec 4 11:59 pm ET
Week 15: Thanksgiving Review
- Lec 40
- Proj 2
- Image Filters
- Due Dec 4 11:59 pm ET
Week 16: Final
- Lec 41
- Lec 42
- Proj 2
- Image Filters
- Due Dec 4 11:59 pm ET